My Favorite Photographs

Paris Cathedral. Paris France
Niagara Falls, Canada

My Favorite Travel Locations


Are you ever not awake when the sun decides to say hello? As someone who wakes up at 6 am every morning, I will show you what you are missing. Get ready for the week’s sunrises coming straight from Arizona.


Do you ever feel so unmotivated that you can’t figure out how to study, clean, or do anything productive? Soon I will show you my tips and tricks to get everything finished and prepared every week.


Ever wanted to travel around the world? Well, let me show you what is possible in the countries you want to travel to in order to have the most impressive and memorable vacations possible.

get ready to see what my new favorites are each month.

each month see a new favorite of mine. from study tips, clothes, photographs, locations, cleaning tips, and more.

love, alexa <3